Tuesday 21 May 2013

Bila bergema lautan gempita, Harapan menyala nadiku berganda~

ahah!!! y-a-h-O-o.  exam dh abes??
eh yeke?? abes sivik? 
YA! esk exm sivik. sosusah. dh twu sivik the most killer subject. i'm still playing with colours. and em now asah pensel warna,susun dlm box sambil tgok citer ibu mertuaku. *flip kertas warna. #^.^" ~GURAW JAH

#Throwback ape yg hampa buat. agagaga
ohya~ terlupa utk org yg x amek exam lg.. tulah msa org ambik exam dy tanak dtg. haa tu bg yg mmg ska2 tanak dtg. contonhnye cenilah~ 
" ohh! i lpelah nk study" 
"eh! esok fizik ka? ahh mampos aq, dh x bca apa pong"
"La! taleh jd nih aq x igt satu bnda ap pong. takpilah skolah aq esk" huhu :")
nota dkt fridge>" Dear Mom n Dad, esk ceq tak boleh pi skolah, ceq rsa nk demam.Takpa ceq snggup study tanpa henti kat rumah" nalaa dok mohongg. hakhakhak ^,^
Yg mmg nk jwb exam pulak>>
 "hey!takpalah aq redha dg ketentuan Ilahi"
 "hmm..stakat mana aq study yg tuh lah yg masuk.konfem" >,< muka taleh belah
"hg ni pesepa.kan kita dh study.. lek arr tgok aq ni,relax jah" -_- well! lol :')) muka pasrahh. isy parah ~','~
"weh! hari ni exam start bila hah?, eh2 brp minit lg nih nk start"
"woi! aq dh la x bca ap mlm td, aq penatla,sakit perut,huh pening pala"
"huh! halal arr" -_- centu pon ada
Ya kengkawan. bg yg x sihat bebenor tu iyelah kan.Kami doakan anda berjaya jwb sume exm yg best2 tuh.

Hmm pulak.. dh jwb exam..
"Woihhh!! #Exam senang doh" *muka seposen
"Hmph! kami syg cikgu ketat2, tenks lah cikgu. you're the bestlah" 
"Huhu. aq dok rsa boleh jawab tadi. oh let bygone be bygone"
"weh!! hmpa taw x ap yg teacher bg taw. ad yg x msuk.. aq suka betull!! " :))))))
"hok eleh. teacher kta paper 1"eh takpe i bg soalan senang saja.. paper 2 ja susah sikit"
 >nah! amek dua2 paper mcm $%^&*~
"haha~ aq x ingatlah apa yg aq tulih tadi, tah apa2" ~","~
"wakaka~ soalan ok lah suam2 kuku" :D
"la!!semua soalan past year la.""eh yeke. ptot mcm penah buat" then pikir balik ohoi mmg dh buat tp lupa".
"heeeee~~~soalan sweetla sangad~"
"hoh! hmpa nih dok bincang apa.dh lps dah kan. dok pikiaq apa"
"eh~aq lena tadi"

Tengok bermacam-masyam ragam yg dapat kita lihat.

Aim: To observe budak2 5st menjawab exam dgn jayanya.

masalah: riak wajah yg pelbagai dpt mencerminkan exam ppt? =,='

yg dimanipulasikan: riak wajah
yg bergerakbalas: exam ppt yg seronok
yg dimalarkan: pelajar 5st

hipotesis: lebih ohsem riak wajah pelajar 5st maka lebih ohsemlah kadar tindak balas exam ppt yg seronok.

prosedur: tiada

kesimpulan: hipotesis diterima.Exam ppt ohsem gila bak hang.

Yaaa. 5st suka belajar daripada kesilapan.Tapi, takpa~ 
Tunggu lhaa EXAM SPM  nanti! KAMI AKAN TUNJUK KEUPAYAAN KAMI ~ jyeah! *sampai x syok ;) 

*terima kasih byk3 kpd rakan2 admin yg telah bnyk berkorban bersama-sama berjuang utk kejayaan. Jasa sebgai seorang sahabat walau sebesar zarah sekalipun takkan pernah admin lupa. Maafkanlah segala kesalahan yg admin x sedar, halalkanlah segalanya.iyelah sbg manusia kite x sempurna. Maafkanlah sesama kita. Harapan utk kejayaan adalah kejayaan yg bersama.Semoga pertemuan ini dan perpisahan kelak diredhai oleh Allah swt. For non-muslim we wish u bless.Hope our love lies and never die. *sedih pulok. hahahax ahaks.. SALAM UKHWAH~','~

Friday 17 May 2013


Assalamualaikum and hye everybody!!

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” 

Alhamdulillah and bless to Allah dh 5 bulan kta bersama-sama utk mngharungi detik indah ini. Sememangnya ada pahit manisnya. 

First.. Kanesh buat suprise dgn dtg balik sekolah ni. Walaupun ad yg x mnyedarinya. 
BUT we welcome you.

Second.. kwn kita wan syhafiq msuk hospital. kidney dehydrated ktanye..
We always wish you in the pink of health. Semoga cpt sembuh ye. :) 

hmm.. ohya kita in exam mood. tinggal kimia ja lg n sivik. exam mood la sgt. nk exam bru nk buat betul2. Apa-apa pun goodluck for us excel dlm setiap subjek with flying colours. yup. mmg nmpk muke ketat ja msa hmpa jwb exam kn. Muka comel msa jwb bio, muka jujur msa jwb etmet, muka riang gembira hati berbunga-bunga msa jwb fizik. haha~ x lwk kan. 

By the way, keserasian muncul sekali-sekali. mungkin sbb trlalu bizi. entahla bizi ngn apa. 
at least say hi or sapaan mesra yg random. for an example..yg di hujung kelas say hoi la dkt yg dpn. begitu jga sebaliknya.. yg di tepi tingkap say hey kpd yg dpn pintu.. yg ditengah-tengah pula say what?.. asal saling menyapa tuh penting. jge tingkah laku, jge percakapan dan yg paling penting jgn bersedih.
 WE olls kna happy sbb thn ni adalah thn yg terakhir. last senior year so buat yg terbaik dlm pelajaran sentiasa kerjasama. Faham~ kalau malu nk bertegur sapa. tp jgnla smpai org judge kita ni sombong. 5ST x mcm tuh. kita baik #org la kata# :3 

Syg2 sekalian. harap kita semua kekal bersatu. OHya 16 Mei adalah hari Guru. so 5ST ingin mengucapkan HAPPY TEACHERS DAY KPD SEMUA GURU. kami syg hmpa. Tanpa guru siapalah kami.Moho ampun dan maaf atas kekhilafan diri kami, budak5ST. Tunggu tarikh hari mnyambut guru di sekolah je kan.
 -,- penat dh jwb exam.
 err. lgu ni best try dengar. Kejayaan KAMI adalah utk parents and guru2 kami. Kami semua harapan anda.

Tuesday 5 February 2013


alt Alhamdulillah, we get to live to see another day in this beautiful yet harmonious world. Lets make du'a and seek repentance. One way the heart and mind will be calm and be peaceful. Throughout our life, there will always be a horrid dream that probably has come true in our life. Let's face it, you don't want to remember it right? now lets all just try to forget all the terrible things from the past that happened to us, whether it is from our childhood, school, college, university or from now, the beginning and the present of our adulthood. How to forget the past? Just focus on the future and the present. Enjoy all the things that is in front of you, whether you like it or not, still you have to go through it. That's what we called life. Everyone has been given the chance of one life. To have another life mean that we are so lucky He still gives us the chance and hope to make it a better one. "People change as time flies, but the memory may remain". - Anonymous We grow so fast that we didn't flashback at what we do few years back, it may seem that we don't want the memories to haunt us again but there still a good side to this. There is still bits of pieces that we can take from our past memories like experience and momentum. These two would be considered as the main power to our survival, without these two, we may never get back up from falling. Experience - Knowledge that we gained from action of our past, which will remind us of what should we do correctly the next time if certain situation occurs. Momentum - Once we fall, our momentum might decline really bad, probably really down that you think you don't have the strength to get back up and all hopes may seemed lost. Nevertheless, be remembered! you still have the chances to rise and set your momentum straight again by gather all your confidence, mental strength and physical strength. (Pray to Him, set your intention (niat) straight and may He guide you to the correct path). Let us rise and take all the distances memories into experience that we may cherish. Let us ponder into the future, once we rise from the ashes, greater things will come to us for those who are willing to take the risk. Always have in mind that Allah is very near to us, just raise your hand and InsyaAllah, He will help you no matter how big the obstacle is. He will show you the way and maybe the easiest way, but it is up to you to walk and work you way through it. There is no reward if there is no effort. Forget all the people around you who want to put you down, they wanna see us fallback. They do this because you are one further step away from victory. Them? just a friction between you and victory/ultimate prize. If we ever lost into the distance, lets remember Him, Allah SWT. He will guide you back to the right path, if you wanted to. Your path of life is your own choice, but the obstacle may vary. Don't let you heart be astray. He has given you so many, yet in your heart there is ignorance?. Without Him, we may never rise from our fall, He aid us in so many ways that you couldn't thank Him enough. You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? 'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard 'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin' in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history's shame I rise Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. (Maya Angelou, And Still I Rise?) Let your heart and minds speaks for itself, have you grown up yet? - Artikel iluvislam.com

catatan Januari 2013

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.. Bulan Januari lepas kita semua dikejutkan dgn pemergian Kanesh ke sekolah lain.. Dia terpaksa pindah ikut family dia.. Ap2 ape pun kita semua rindu dia..